School Uniform
At Brainy Bairn School, we ensure that all our students are dressed appropriately in the prescribed school uniform.
Our Primary School uniform consists of:
Regular Uniform
- White short sleeves shirt with school crest on the left breast pocket.
- Grey shorts.
- Grey skirt (skirt should be knee-length).
- School Tie.
- Plain black leather shoes with black soles and white plain/patterned socks.

Physical Education (PE) Uniform
- House-branded’ PE shirt with school crest.
- House-branded jogging shorts with school crest.
- Comfortable trainers or sneakers with socks.

Friday Wear
- Yellow or orange polo shirt with school crest.
- Plain denim (jeans) trousers (no tattered jeans, shorts or leggings allowed).
- Plain denim (jeans) skirt (skirt should be knee-length).
- Comfortable covered-toe sandals or trainers/sneakers with socks (no flip-flops allowed).

Primary School Curriculum
The Primary school curriculum is based on the integrated programmes of Cambridge Assessment International Education (CAIE). This framework provides integrated curriculum for the core subjects of English (including English as an Additional Language), Mathematics and Science.
Foundation subjects taught are Religious Education, Computing, Geography, History, Music, Physical Education, Art & Design, Design & Technology, French as a Modern Foreign Language and Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE). Our programmes of study provide statements of content, breadth, knowledge, understanding and skills and attainment levels for all subjects.
Aspects of the Ghanaian curriculum, history and culture imbue our teaching and learning.