School Uniform
At Brainy Bairn School, we ensure that all our students are dressed appropriately in the prescribed school uniform.
Our Secondary School uniform consists of:
Regular Uniform
- White short sleeves shirt with school crest on the left breast pocket.
- Grey trousers.
- Grey skirt (skirt should be knee-length).
- School Tie.
- Black shoes (polishable) with white or black socks.

Physical Education (PE) Uniform
- House-branded’ PE shirt with school crest.
- House-branded jogging shorts with school crest.
- Comfortable trainers or sneakers with socks.

Friday Wear
- Yellow or orange polo shirt with school crest.t
- Plain denim (jeans) trousers (no tattered jeans, shorts or leggings allowed).
- Plain denim (jeans) skirt (skirt should be knee-length).
- Comfortable covered-toe sandals or trainers/sneakers with socks (no flip-flops allowed).

Secondary School Curriculum
We provide to all our students an academic curriculum which is broad and balanced. The scope and the choice of the curriculum has been carefully designed to help our students achieve excellent outcomes in their CIE IGCSE, A Levels and beyond. We also run an extensive and diverse extra curricular programme which appeal to the students competitive, creative and performance skills.
View Secondary School curriculum